Guest Media Waiver Form

Please complete this form to give permission for your video content to be used in media-based circulation.
I, the undersigned, hereby grant the Gospel Mission Network, A D/B/A of Jesus Reigns International, Inc., (herein "GMN") and its affiliates to take photographs and/or video of me and/or record my voice/audio related to the production (herein referred to as "content") of *The Miraculous Life* TV production. I also give GMN and its affiliates permission to put the finished content to any legitimate use it deems proper and to use said content to represent any product or service it deems appropriate. I waive any rights to inspect or approve any finished content, including any written copy that may be created in connection therewith. Further, I relinquish and give GMN and its affiliates all rights, title, and interest I may have in the content and copies of the content. I further grant GMN and its affiliates all the rights to sell, transfer, and exhibit the content or copies of the content and facsimiles to any responsible individual, business firm, publication, or any of their affiliates, successors, and assignees.

There shall be no limitation as to the number of times the finished content, or copies of the original content and facsimiles thereof, may be utilized by GMN, Inc. and its affiliates, or to such parties as GMN and its affiliates may sell, transfer, exhibit or otherwise furnish the content, or such copies and facsimiles to. The terms of this release shall be effective in perpetuity unless both GMN and its affiliates and I enter into a written agreement that specifically alters, amends, or terminates the terms herein. I understand that the use of the content is royalty-free.


I have read this release and am fully familiar with its contents and, intending to be legally bound, hereby voluntarily agree to the terms of this release.