When Jesus came to the earth He didn't come to simply talk about the things of the kingdom of heaven. He came in power and authority to demonstrate the love and sovereignty of God.  He literally unleashed the power of love and light and truth in the earth. When Jesus encountered sickness... He healed.  When He encountered poverty... He provided.  When He encountered hate... He loved, and when He encountered sin... He died and rose again conquering sin and death. A ministry that represents Jesus Christ should release the very same power of He did because He desires to demonstrate His love and rule over all creation through His Church.
The Gospel Mission Network conducts outreaches, mission trips, healing meetings, teaching meetings, and many other things to release the very real supernatural power of God.  Our world needs more than talk. It needs to experience the power and love and sovereignty of God. Releasing the truth of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and healing results in the rescuing of souls from sin and death and populates heaven! Join and pray for us as we move in the grace and power of Jesus Christ to release heaven upon earth, and to live as true witnesses of His resurrection!

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